• Breaking News

    The New Verse News presents politically progressive poetry on current events and topical issues.

    Saturday, February 4, 2017


    by Samantha Pious

    after a ballade by Christine de Pizan

    Where will outcasts comfort find
    —asylum-seekers, refugees—
     now the land we thought to be
    the sunset gates, the golden door,
    the harbor where the tired, poor,
    and fearful could at last breathe free
    has neither love nor amnesty?
    The one-percenters are severe;
    the young professionals, resigned.
    The government won’t deign to hear.

    To lawyers they have no recourse,
    ill-counseled by their advocates,
    without protection from the courts.
    The officers who stop and frisk
    interrogate with undue force—
    and sometimes suspects disappear
    before they’re properly accused.
    (But could that ever happen here?)
    The magistrates condemn, unmoved;
    the government won’t deign to hear.

    Where shall they go, when there is no
    safety here, or anywhere
    that hope is vain, and friend is foe?
    The underground will take them in
    if they believe the garbled voice,
    the tiny hands, the laquered hair,
    the orange pawn—or puppeteer?—
    who has big plans for his first year.
    (But will he keep Obamacare?)
    The government won’t deign to hear.

    Folks, after this election year
    the ship of state has sprung a leak
    while navigating up shit creek.
    We’ll have to pray or maybe hope
    our captain doesn’t rock the boat.
    The government won’t deign to hear.

    Samantha Pious's first book A Crown of Violets (Headmistress Press, 2015) offers a selection of the French poetry of Renée Vivien in English translation. Some of her other translations and poems have appeared in Adrienne, Lavender Review, Mezzo Cammin, and other publications. Her poem "The Government" is loosely adapted from the Middle French of Christine de Pizan (1364-ca. 1430), an Italian-French woman poet and philosopher of the Late Middle Ages.

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