• Breaking News

    The New Verse News presents politically progressive poetry on current events and topical issues.

    Thursday, February 16, 2017


    by Jacqueline Jules

    Paul Ryan caricature by DonkeyHotey

    After you’ve carried out your promises
    to the American people,
    I hope you’ll come to the chemo clinic with me.

    Wait in my seat—rigid blue plastic,
    stainless steel frame, comforting
    as the flicker of fluorescent tubes
    from the popcorn ceiling.

    Notice how the legs of your chair
    wobble on uneven green tile
    while you listen
    on a dying cell phone
    to a bean counter at Blue Cross
    explain why you don’t deserve
    the drug your doctor prescribed.

    Feel the bones
    up and down your spine
    burst into flames.

    Then you can come home with me.
    Sip canned soup at my table,
    littered with pre-existing bills
    for care no longer covered.

    And you can tell me again
    why you are so pleased
    to be the face of the political party
    which proclaims all life is precious
    (no matter how tiny) as long
    as no taxes are raised to protect it.

    Jacqueline Jules is the author of the poetry chapbooks Field Trip to the Museum and Stronger Than Cleopatra. Her work has appeared in over 100 publications including TheNewVerse.News, Potomac Review, Innisfree Poetry Journal, Little Patuxent Review, and Gargoyle. She is also the author of 40 books for young readers.

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