• Breaking News

    The New Verse News presents politically progressive poetry on current events and topical issues.

    Wednesday, February 22, 2017


    by Danielle Shorr

    It is valentines day again
    Larry is putting on his black boots
    zipping them up smoothly,
    he knows a thing or two about confidence,
    how to swing his hips with an internal rhythm,
    kick up his heels as he walks past a crowd.

    These boots are like ones he used to wear
    but the latest edition
    bought with the paycheck from his new job-
    he is proud today.

    This queerness has always been
    a heart without a name,
    worn loudly,
    second nature.

    Makeup done
    full face with
    brows arched higher than his dreams for the future-
    he has many.

    We don't know where he is going tonight
    maybe to a bar on Santa Monica Boulevard
    or a house party adorned by candy hearts and balloons
    or maybe on a date

    It could be his first or more likely it isn't because he loves
    to talk and smile and his friends swear he can
    make anyone see light in a dim room
    he’s walked through many
    but has learned how
    to sway against the darkness

    Today Larry is 24
    or he would've been
    had the bullet not met
    the back of his head that day
    9 years ago in computer class

    I wonder about his plans
    like they’re still a possibility

    I wonder about him the same way
    my mother asks if I got home safely from a night class
    there is more fear than optimism
    and his fate feels almost inevitable
    with the way the years have unraveled since his death

    Fifty bodies on a night club floor
    still isn't enough to warrant protection-
    still a synonym for target

    They say humanity is getting better
    but we still haven’t heard acknowledgement
    and it doesn’t matter how vocal you are
    because the silencing will always be louder

    This institution is deafening
    our sensitivity to noise has diminished-
    when was the last time you heard his name in a classroom?

    2008 was the year of the swine flu
    never ending headlines about things that kill
    not one mentioned hatred

    Since her start in slam poetry at the age of 17,  Danielle Shorr has continued to write with consistency. From competing at Brave New Voices in 2014, to placing as a finalist for the title of Los Angeles Youth Poet Laureate, Danielle has built a resume on experience and passion. As an undergraduate student at Chapman University, Danielle has helped bring student poetic voice to the university, co-founding the first poetry club in 2015. In 2016, Danielle published her first full book of poetry Beyond Existing.

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