• Breaking News

    The New Verse News presents politically progressive poetry on current events and topical issues.

    Thursday, February 2, 2017


    by Stew Jorgenson

    The streets are pink with mud.
    Too many people unfriended.
    There's a bear shaking the tree.
    The hive is pissed off.
    It's hard to find peace of mind
    in this culture war.
    Everyone's buzzing to the sound
    of other people's mad noise.  
    Take a deep breath.
    A little pepper spray
    goes a long way,
    up close and in your face.
    We rage at the machine
    but we are the machine.
    Just one black swan away
    from a social meltdown
    of 2nd amendment proportions.
    This is your complacency
    wake-up call America.
    The bees are dying.
    Our democracy is stale.
    It's a colony collapse disorder.
    We like to wave our flags
    until everyone tears up
    and gets stupid.
    Nothing gets done,
    but it feels good
    to blow off a little steam and
    take credit for throwing a hissy fit,
    like in the cold war comedy
    The Russians Are Coming
    where people panic,
    the whole town is in an uproar,
    mob mentality takes over,
    no one listens to reason, and
    Jonathan Winters is imploring people,
    "We've got to get organized!"
    Only this time it isn’t funny.

    Stew Jorgenson is a part-time wordsmith who has more words than he knows what to do with each day.  Sometimes he uses the extras for poetry, celestial navigation, or target practice.  He has worked on farms, fishing boats, and in factories.  He is currently employed as a freelance muse wrestler.  He's skilled at mistakes, guilty by association, and suffers from occasional bouts of inspiration.

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