• Breaking News

    The New Verse News presents politically progressive poetry on current events and topical issues.

    Sunday, January 1, 2017


    by Buff Whitman-Bradley

    Winter Sky Rising by Alan Dyer at The Amazing Sky

    Stepping outside
    To watch the winter stars
    Those dazzling divas of illumination
    Perform their seasonal pageant
    In the infinite amphitheater
    Of the cold black sky
    I can almost hear the old Earth
    Creak on its axis
    As it rolls toward another new year.

    There have been better years
    Than the one just past
    When for one thing
    The medicos found cancer in me
    And had to carve it out
    And radiate the environs
    To prevent a recurrence.
    So far that's worked.
    For another, my country
    By hook and crook
    Selected a new president
    Of such surpassing vulgarity and venality
    Of such mendacity and bigotry and corruption
    As to alarm all people of good will
    And those most vulnerable to the predations
    Of the greedy and powerful
    Of racists and misogynists
    Of xenophobes and homophobes
    Affirmed and emboldened
    By this man's ascension to power.
    There is widespread concern
    That a kind of civic and social malignancy
    Is gnawing away at the body politic
    And people all over the land
    Are struggling to determine
    What treatments will work best.
    The prognosis is uncertain
    And fatalism seems most apt.

    But I remind myself that last year at this time

    I was not at all sure
    I would make it to now
    Yet here I am
    Pulsing with life and good health
    Bundled up on a cold bright winter night
    Shivering happily under the stars.

    Buff Whitman-Bradley's poetry has appeared in many print and online journals, including Atlanta Review, Bryant Literary Review, Concho River Review, Crannog, december, Hawai'i Review, Pinyon, Rockhurst Review, Solstice, Third Wednesday and others. He has published several collections of poems, most recently, To Get Our Bearings in this Wheeling World. His interviews with soldiers who refused to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan became the book About Face: Military Resisters Turn Against War. He lives in northern California with his wife Cynthia.

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