• Breaking News

    The New Verse News presents politically progressive poetry on current events and topical issues.

    Saturday, January 28, 2017


    A Rhupunt by Elizabeth Spencer Spragins

    The white man buys
    With gold-plate lies.
    His honor dies
    On rocks that stand.

    With greed, with guile,
    Pale fists defile
    The streams with bile
    That poisons land:

    “Hail, bottom line!
    For leaks, a fine;
    Let squaws drink wine!”
    We understand

    Their appetite
    For oil will blight
    Our sacred site,
    Yet they demand

    We yield this ground.*
    Despoilers pound
    The earth, and mound
    Its bones and sand

    With metal paws.
    The hungry jaws
    Of drill that gnaws
    Devour our land.

    Their serpent’s bite
    Pours black of night
    Through earth despite
    Our protests and

    Appeals to law.
    So from the maw
    Of death we claw
    The dead, command

    Their ghosts with dance,**
    Add spear and lance
    Of spirits’ stance
    To human hand.

    We string each bow
    With words, strike blow
    In court; the snow
    We will withstand.

    Foes agitate
    With stones of hate;
    Lakota wait
    On rocks that stand.

    * Current plans call for the Dakota Access Pipeline to pass under the Missouri River less than one mile upstream of the Standing Rock Reservation.  The Lakota have protested on the grounds that the project will contaminate their sole source of drinking water and disrupt their sacred lands.  

    **By 1890 the Lakota faced starvation as a result of the U.S. Army’s systematic decimation of the buffalo, their primary food source. Members of the tribe began to practice the ghost dance, which was said to harness the spirits of the dead to fight on behalf of the living.  Sitting Bull was arrested for refusing to stop this practice, and the resulting conflict led to his death and the subsequent massacre of his supporters at Wounded Knee.

    Elizabeth Spencer Spragins is a linguist, writer, and editor who taught in North Carolina community colleges for more than a decade.  Her tanka and bardic verse in the Celtic style have been published in England, Scotland, Canada, and the United States.  Recent work has appeared in Quarterday Review, Society of Classical Poets Journal, Bamboo Hut, Skylark, Atlas Poetica, Halcyon Days, and Peacock Journal.  She lives in Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA.

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